Tower Defense
towerdefense is a simple tower defense game implemented using p5.JS. You can also make and edit custom maps using this map editor. The game code is freely available in Github along with the controls to play this game.
Esc to deselect tower
Left and right brackets to change map size (will reset game!)
Mouse to place a tower
Spacebar to pause
0-9 to select a tower to place
F to toggle FPS display
G to toggle god mode
H to toggle displaying enemy health bars
M to import and load map string (will reset game!)
P to toggle display particle effects (turning them off helps with lag)
Q to toggle towers firing
R to reset game
S to sell selected tower
U to upgrade selected tower
V to mute sound volume
W to toggle delay between waves
X to export map string (copies to clipboard)
Z to return to default zoom level (will reset game!)
Esc to deselect tower
Left and right brackets to change map size (will reset game!)
Mouse to place a tower
Spacebar to pause
0-9 to select a tower to place
F to toggle FPS display
G to toggle god mode
H to toggle displaying enemy health bars
M to import and load map string (will reset game!)
P to toggle display particle effects (turning them off helps with lag)
Q to toggle towers firing
R to reset game
S to sell selected tower
U to upgrade selected tower
V to mute sound volume
W to toggle delay between waves
X to export map string (copies to clipboard)
Z to return to default zoom level (will reset game!)